I have spent most of my life saying, “I’m spiritual, not religious.” As far back as I can remember, I’ve decried the evils of religion, saying it was dead or diseased, and stood in solidarity with others who felt the same. I’ve called religion evil, corrupt, and systems of man that poison the systems of God. I’m beginning to think …
There is Hope
It would be so easy to give up. To stop caring, to stop trying, to just throw in the towel and say, “I’m done.” To give in to who the culture wants you to be. To admit that you — or even humanity as a whole — has been defeated. To decide you’ll never be whole or healthy or victorious …
God’s Glory in a Seashell
Deep in the twilight realms of the ocean glides a mysterious, marvelous monstrosity. Up to 43 feet long (though lengths of up to 59 feet have been reported) with eyes the size of dinner plates, its bouquet of pulsing, writhing tentacles contains hundreds of suction cup suckers through which it tastes its prey. Its only known enemy is the sperm whale, …
Your Best Life is Striving
I recently saw a post from a dear friend who said that it was impossible for us to live our best lives now, and that we wouldn’t receive the fullness of God’s blessing until we got to Heaven. Now, I understand what she was saying. I recognize that she is probably not Joel Osteen’s biggest fan. I also know that …
The Audacity of Hope
Back in October of last year I was invited to talk to the Puyallup chapter of Aglow International. I had recorded the whole thing on my little GoPro, but then it just kind of sat there. And sat there. Until now. This weaves together my story with Psalms 42-43 and some thoughts on hope. I call it “The Audacity of …
A Legacy of Thankfulness
Recently as I was driving I found myself wondering how I’d want my girls to feel when my time was over and I was gone. (Apparently I’m morbid like that.) What was the legacy I wanted to leave behind? What impression did I want to instill on those I went on ahead of? Did I want them to feel love? …
Treating Pain Like a Phoenix
Have you ever felt a pain which cut so deep that it was like a hot knife was sawing through your guts? When all you could do was curl up in a ball and cry out “Why, God?” When all of the reason in the world, all of the beauty, all of the certainties were shrouded behind a wall of …
Shadows and Stained Glass
For this holiday weekend I have something a little different for you. I hope you enjoy it, and that it sticks with you long after you’ve finished reading. May I present “Shadows and Stained Glass.” The moon wades into the restless ocean, Scattering captions of light across the cresting waves. Perhaps it tries to speak to him of brighter tomorrows, …
The Dizzying Love of God
Imagine. You are standing in a throne room that seems to stretch on for miles. The floor beneath you is made of something like glass, and below it, above you and before you rotates the spinning, glittering cartwheel of the universe. Lightning and thunder electrify the air. Rainbows arc and spark and gleam. Creatures nearly impossible to comprehend stand at …
A Christmas Gift for You
Hello, my friend! Merry Christmas! It was about halfway through Christmas day that I realized just how grateful I was. Grateful that I could spend it with my daughters and my wife. Grateful that I’ve been given opportunities to help people, even in little ways. Grateful that, for the first time in three years, I was healthy for Christmas. Grateful …