Have you ever screwed up so badly that you knew the only way it’d get fixed was if God did it? I have. Just a couple weeks ago, actually. And then there was the matter of one of my best friends dying. I failed my friend repeatedly during the last months or even 1-2 years of his life. But what …
God’s Glory in a Seashell
Deep in the twilight realms of the ocean glides a mysterious, marvelous monstrosity. Up to 43 feet long (though lengths of up to 59 feet have been reported) with eyes the size of dinner plates, its bouquet of pulsing, writhing tentacles contains hundreds of suction cup suckers through which it tastes its prey. Its only known enemy is the sperm whale, …
A Legacy of Thankfulness
Recently as I was driving I found myself wondering how I’d want my girls to feel when my time was over and I was gone. (Apparently I’m morbid like that.) What was the legacy I wanted to leave behind? What impression did I want to instill on those I went on ahead of? Did I want them to feel love? …
The Boundless Mercy of God
Pope Francis once said that, “God forgives not with a decree but with a caress. … Jesus too goes beyond the law and forgives by caressing the wounds of our sins.”(1) That creates quite an image, doesn’t it? The perfect, holy God of the universe, creator of galaxies and gluons, sees the wounds you have inflicted on yourself, the pain …
Shadows and Stained Glass
For this holiday weekend I have something a little different for you. I hope you enjoy it, and that it sticks with you long after you’ve finished reading. May I present “Shadows and Stained Glass.” The moon wades into the restless ocean, Scattering captions of light across the cresting waves. Perhaps it tries to speak to him of brighter tomorrows, …
The Dizzying Love of God
Imagine. You are standing in a throne room that seems to stretch on for miles. The floor beneath you is made of something like glass, and below it, above you and before you rotates the spinning, glittering cartwheel of the universe. Lightning and thunder electrify the air. Rainbows arc and spark and gleam. Creatures nearly impossible to comprehend stand at …
Judge Not Yourself
This week I’ve been pretty hard on me. Can you relate? As an introvert, it is possible that I spend more time inside my own head than some people. And that’s okay. I like it there. I have it decorated just the way I want it. It has my favorite Cthulhu throw rug. A strange ooze drips periodically from the …
Where is God When We Suffer?
I want to make a very special announcement to you today. If you ever follow my Facebook page, you probably know what I’m going to say. But otherwise, this could potentially come as a complete surprise because I have done a terrible job of getting the news out. Either way, here it is. =) Now. Drum roll please. Starting today …
The Gift of Life
Sometimes it’s good to spend a few hours remembering that life is a gift. This last Friday I joined my family at the wedding of my brother-in-law, a man of steadfast integrity and intense creativity, to his first and last girlfriend of four years. Then on Saturday I attended a birthday party for a one-year-old girl who, medically speaking, was …
Awash in the River
Does the greatest impact from the story of Adam and Eve come from that it happened, or that it does happen? Is it just a story, or is it our story? Not in some esoteric, genes-and-blood-and-destiny sense, but in the dense, concrete truth that we have all violated our world, our fellow men and women, and the very God to …
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