I have spent most of my life saying, “I’m spiritual, not religious.” As far back as I can remember, I’ve decried the evils of religion, saying it was dead or diseased, and stood in solidarity with others who felt the same. I’ve called religion evil, corrupt, and systems of man that poison the systems of God. I’m beginning to think …
Rediscovering God
Do you know who God is? Have you personally met Him? If not, it’s time to do so. I once heard a very wise, learned man say that he had spent years digging out who God is so that others wouldn’t have to. What he meant was that he could teach people through his experiences, and that is true and good. But …
A Christmas Gift for You
Hello, my friend! Merry Christmas! It was about halfway through Christmas day that I realized just how grateful I was. Grateful that I could spend it with my daughters and my wife. Grateful that I’ve been given opportunities to help people, even in little ways. Grateful that, for the first time in three years, I was healthy for Christmas. Grateful …
Where is God When We Suffer?
I want to make a very special announcement to you today. If you ever follow my Facebook page, you probably know what I’m going to say. But otherwise, this could potentially come as a complete surprise because I have done a terrible job of getting the news out. Either way, here it is. =) Now. Drum roll please. Starting today …
Rediscovering Christianity: The Movement
What is Christianity? What is it really? When you get right down into its heart, what do you find? In recent weeks I’ve heard a lot of people bickering over what Christianity really is. Some say it’s the church. Some say it has transcended the church. Some say it’s an antiquated, impossible belief system. Some say it’s the only true …
Reclaiming Halloween
I am on the side of Tim Burton when he says that the two best holidays of the year are Christmas and Halloween. Sure, Easter is great, Thanksgiving is tasty, but for me there’s just nothing else that comes close to Christmas and Halloween. (And if you don’t believe me, stop by my house sometime. Still don’t believe me? Ask …
Meeting Us Where We’re At
God never changes. So why does it seem like He does? Why does a God of compassion seem so bent on bloodshed? Why was He so adamant about the strict, strange rules in the Old Testament? Why did the temple become such a huge project and the center for Jewish life when God didn’t even want it in the first place? …
What’re You Waiting For?
What do you feel like you’ve been put on this earth to do? Why aren’t you doing it? I know a lot of people who have dreams for their lives. In fact, I might know as many people who have dreams as I do people. But how many of those people are actually living — or even actively pursuing — …
Why did Jesus Die at the Passover?
They came with swords and clubs and torches, led by a traitor. They called themselves holy men, and they had come to stain their hands with the blood of a teacher. A shadow the color of death was drifting over the land. It was the same day, but 1,500 years prior. A vicious, tyrannical ruler held a foreign people in …
St. Patrick’s Day: More than an Excuse for Guinness
The invaders had ransacked their way through the village, and now they were just outside. The family scrambled to escape, but the time for that had long since passed. The marauders shattered the front door into a cloud of splinters. The teenager’s mother screamed, pressing as far into the corner as her body would allow. The boy barreled towards the …