I have spent most of my life saying, “I’m spiritual, not religious.” As far back as I can remember, I’ve decried the evils of religion, saying it was dead or diseased, and stood in solidarity with others who felt the same. I’ve called religion evil, corrupt, and systems of man that poison the systems of God. I’m beginning to think …
Heaven as an Ocean Surf
Have you ever stood on an ocean beach and felt an electric charge as another world brushed against your skin? Or stood in a forest and felt the thinness of reality, knowing there was something so much more hovering just out of view? Have you ever walked down the street or through the mall at Christmas time, taken in the …
Rediscovering God
Do you know who God is? Have you personally met Him? If not, it’s time to do so. I once heard a very wise, learned man say that he had spent years digging out who God is so that others wouldn’t have to. What he meant was that he could teach people through his experiences, and that is true and good. But …
Treating Pain Like a Phoenix
Have you ever felt a pain which cut so deep that it was like a hot knife was sawing through your guts? When all you could do was curl up in a ball and cry out “Why, God?” When all of the reason in the world, all of the beauty, all of the certainties were shrouded behind a wall of …
A Christmas Gift for You
Hello, my friend! Merry Christmas! It was about halfway through Christmas day that I realized just how grateful I was. Grateful that I could spend it with my daughters and my wife. Grateful that I’ve been given opportunities to help people, even in little ways. Grateful that, for the first time in three years, I was healthy for Christmas. Grateful …
Where is God When We Suffer?
I want to make a very special announcement to you today. If you ever follow my Facebook page, you probably know what I’m going to say. But otherwise, this could potentially come as a complete surprise because I have done a terrible job of getting the news out. Either way, here it is. =) Now. Drum roll please. Starting today …
Rediscovering Christianity: The Movement
What is Christianity? What is it really? When you get right down into its heart, what do you find? In recent weeks I’ve heard a lot of people bickering over what Christianity really is. Some say it’s the church. Some say it has transcended the church. Some say it’s an antiquated, impossible belief system. Some say it’s the only true …
We Are All Left Behind
I heard recently that the world is about to end. I bet you did, too. Our culture today is obsessed with the end of the world. Whether religious or secular, we know all about being Left Behind™ or being the last humans standing surrounded by The Walking Dead™. Many Christians chant, “Come, Lord Jesus!” And when they say this, what …
Embracing the Mystery
I’m a fan of a line I’ve heard the evangelist Mario Murillo use: “I love sacred cows. They taste delicious.” Today we’re going to serve up some sacred cows and see if he’s right. Speaking of which, have you noticed that we are all so sure that we’re right? We have spent so many years building our worldview that, when …
Advent: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
The snow falls in soft whispers as you crunch down the sidewalk. Cars trundle down the road beside you, windshield wipers swishing, swishing as the drivers clench their steering wheels with white knuckles. Breath hisses in ribbons from your mouth, curling up to the blanket of clouds draped high above. A sound drifts up to tickle your ears from off …