Have you ever screwed up so badly that you knew the only way it’d get fixed was if God did it? I have. Just a couple weeks ago, actually. And then there was the matter of one of my best friends dying. I failed my friend repeatedly during the last months or even 1-2 years of his life. But what …
A Legacy of Thankfulness
Recently as I was driving I found myself wondering how I’d want my girls to feel when my time was over and I was gone. (Apparently I’m morbid like that.) What was the legacy I wanted to leave behind? What impression did I want to instill on those I went on ahead of? Did I want them to feel love? …
The Dizzying Love of God
Imagine. You are standing in a throne room that seems to stretch on for miles. The floor beneath you is made of something like glass, and below it, above you and before you rotates the spinning, glittering cartwheel of the universe. Lightning and thunder electrify the air. Rainbows arc and spark and gleam. Creatures nearly impossible to comprehend stand at …
There are two times a year when mankind as a collective group acknowledges the thinness between our world and another. When we admit there might be more than the eye can behold and the fingers can touch. When we all bask and bathe in Wonder. Those two times are Halloween and Christmas. And of these two, the first cannot hold …
A Violent Love
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How to Love Democrats
I tricked you. This post isn’t really about Democrats at all. It’s about Muslims. But I couldn’t let that title pass. Also, FYI, the title could just as easily be “How to Love Republicans.” It’s not about a particular political bias at all. I just happen to know a lot more Republicans than Democrats. So I ask that you not …