I want to make a very special announcement to you today.
If you ever follow my Facebook page, you probably know what I’m going to say. But otherwise, this could potentially come as a complete surprise because I have done a terrible job of getting the news out. Either way, here it is. =)
Now. Drum roll please.
Starting today my brand new book, “The Complete Cancer Diaries,” is available to purchase! (Cue epic fanfare.)
“The Complete Cancer Diaries” is my story, but it’s also much more than that. It is about being trapped in the darkness while searching for the light. It is about walking through the valley of the shadow of death and emerging out the other side. And, overwhelmingly, it’s about questions.
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- Is there life after death, both for those left behind and those who’ve gone on?
- How do we reconstruct the pieces when our world has been shattered?
- Is there purpose to life?
- How do we find peace in the storm?
- Where do we find hope when all we feel is anxiety and fear?
- How do we forgive the unforgivable?
But, perhaps most of all:
Where is God when we suffer?
This book features a completely reworked version of “The Cancer Diaries,” in addition to a longer, more intense book two. “The Cancer Diaries” showed the darkness. It was the prelude. Now “The Complete Cancer Diaries” shows the light. It is the meat of the story.
“The Complete Cancer Diaries” also includes a new section that absolutely no one has read before (with the exception of my wife, Sarah): “10 Things to Do if You Get Cancer.” This step-by-step guide shows you exactly how I got through cancer, and how you can, too. I’ve come to realize, though, that this segment is far from limited to helping people with cancer. These ten steps are applicable to anyone going through a difficult time, and potentially to life in general. I’m going to teach you how to “turn the conversation,” which is something I hear people needing to know all the time. I’m going to show you how “resolving that you are going to make it” can be one of the surest ways to keep you alive. And I’m going to reveal the single greatest force for getting you through. (Can you guess what it is?) In short: it is possible that this is the most important part of the whole book.
I wish that I could say that every version of the book was available right now. But the truth is, these last few weeks have been some of the most insane of my life, and I just plain ran out of time. With that in mind, the hard copy (in soft cover) is available today for $15.99 on Amazon. (Other retailers will be forthcoming.) The Kindle book is probably a week or so out still, but I’ll let you know when it’s available. The audio book is coming also, but it’s a little farther into the future.
I honestly feel really bad the eBook isn’t available at the same time as the print book. So, here’s what I’m going to do. If you buy the physical book now and you let me know you purchased it (preferably with a copy of your receipt, though I’ll trust you if you don’t have it), I will throw in a copy of the Kindle book for you as soon as it’s available. This book will be readable on any of your devices, not just your Kindle. Got a smart phone? Tablet? PC? Mac? Check. It will work on any and all of them. Obviously this deal will only last until the Kindle book is released, though, so be sure to let me know soon!
Oh. So maybe you’re wondering where to get the book. You can order it right here.
Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for your prayers, thanks for your encouragement. You keep me going. And thanks for standing with me on this book. I believe in this message. I believe in this book. And I want to spread it as far as I can. With that in mind, even if you’re not interested in buying the book for yourself or a friend, would you share it? Would you let other people know it’s there? Thank you so much.
And, once you’ve read it, I’d love it if you’d let me know what you thought! =D
God bless you, and I hope you are absolutely thrilled with “The Complete Cancer Diaries!”
Your friend,