A Christmas Gift for You

Byron LeavittCreativity, Darkness, History, Holiday, Light, Religion Leave a Comment

Hello, my friend! Merry Christmas! It was about halfway through Christmas day that I realized just how grateful I was. Grateful that I could spend it with my daughters and my wife. Grateful that I’ve been given opportunities to help people, even in little ways. Grateful that, for the first time in three years, I was healthy for Christmas. Grateful …

A Special Announcement

Byron LeavittDarkness, Light, Suffering, Uncategorized, Video, Wonder Leave a Comment

In the winter of 2013 I found my health in a steep, desperate decline. The longer and more rapidly it spiraled out of control the more obvious it became that something was very wrong. Finally, in early January, I was diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. We began chemo therapy and were told there was roughly a 50% chance that …