Here we are, big numero diez! We have a ton of updates today to the prayer list, so let’s get praying! (I’ve tossed in some bold to make people stand out.)
First, Sue Westbrook has finished her last chemo! Her nurses danced to the YMCA and gave her a certificate before sending her on her way. Her port has probably been removed by this point as well, and she will have a CT scan in a couple months to make sure nothing has returned. Praise God!
Next, I am officially moving little Persephone to the Healings and Victories section of the prayer list! She has been doing very well and has stayed out of the hospital for several months now. Let’s pray for continued health for her and financial breakthrough and housing for her family. If anything else comes up I’ll let you all know.
I have an update on Chris Hoffman-Fagundes! Chris is fighting against breast cancer using faith as one of her primary weapons. It would look like she has quite a war ahead of her, too, but she is believing for God to completely eliminate the cancer in her body. She has had several victories as well as a setback or two, but recently the cancer has been shrinking or disappearing in several spots throughout her body. Please pray that it continues to shrink in her left breast especially, and ultimately that she is completely healed of cancer. She has also been dealing with side effects from the chemo, especially in her bladder. There has been a lot of pain there. Let’s be sure to cover her there, too, and call an end to chemo side effects.
We have a new addition to the list. K is a little girl who has previously won a war against leukemia. However, recently her parents took her in to have a bump on her forehead looked at, and it was determined there were leukemia cells in the bump. The family is devastated, but they don’t have much information yet and are waiting to get test results back. They also aren’t telling many people yet, which is why we will know her as “K” for right now. Let’s believe for the eradication of this new threat to this little girl!
Ashlee Jensen just had her bone marrow transplant, but she is now in intense agony from the side effects both of the chemo and the drugs to suppress graft vs host disease. (This is where the body rejects the transplant that has just been given – say when you were just given stem cells from another person to rebuild your immune system.) Her whole body feels like it’s on fire, her legs aren’t supporting her weight, and those are on TOP of the normal side effects you get from this procedure. She is only a few days post-transplant, and the new cells usually don’t start kicking in for a couple more weeks. Please pray for her.
Doug Troyer is going in for his major surgery this week. In fact, probably by the time you’re reading this it will be underway. They are removing his entire rectum and 1/3 of his intestine. He will be off work for a month following this, and then he will be recovering for a full six months, if all goes according to plan. Let’s pray for a perfect surgery, a blazingly quick recovery, and all cancer eradicated from his body!
Marian Troyer has decided to do a special chemo to fight her malignant melanoma, and that has been progressing fairly well. She has been tired, and experiencing some aches and pains. Let’s pray that this chemo has zero side effects, and that she is miraculously healed! (Just as a reminder, at this point she is still labeled as having approximately 6-12 months to live.)
We have another new addition to the list. Eric Stathers has recently been diagnosed as having lymphoma. He is in chemo currently, and is handling the symptoms and chemo well. He has a great attitude and believes that God is in control. Let’s believe for a complete healing!
Let’s keep praying for Julie Eldridge (battling breast cancer) and Kate (battling scleroderma), who we met in the last prayer update. Let’s also keep praying for Doris, Lonny, Isiah, Bonnie and Wendy (their info is on the prayer list.)
Lastly, we have an update on Larry Stefano. Larry has been going through it recently. A few days ago he broke his hip (the same one as the one with the cancer in it.) He is coming to the end of his radiation treatment, and will have more chemo starting in a couple of days. The cancer is still contained to his hip, which is good. But he has lost a lot of weight and was having a hard time walking before breaking his hip. Larry has had miracles before, but he definitely needs another one now. Let’s pray for one.
Thank you so much for praying and believing for these wonderful people. You are making a difference in people’s lives. Also, please share this update, as I want as many people to be aware and standing with them as we can get. God bless you until next time. Here’s to more miracles!