It’s been a while since a film made me as angry as “God’s Not Dead” did. Not because I hated it. Far from it. And not because I disagreed with its message. “God’s Not Dead” made me angry because it had the chance to be truly great, but it settled for merely good. As I was watching the movie, I …
In Defense of “Noah”
The movie “Noah” has gotten a bad rap. Even from people who liked it. It isn’t often that I have seen a film that has been as misunderstood as this movie, and today, in tardy celebration of its release to the home video market, I intend to set the record straight. (I ask you to not expel me from your …
Heaven is for Real
One of the most successful biblical films in the year of the Bible epic is undoubtedly “Heaven is for Real”, an adaptation of the enormously popular bestselling book of the same name. “Heaven” follows the story of the Burpo family through many trials, including the near-death of their son and the revelation later on that during this scrape the boy, …
The Lego Movie
Did you spend a lot of time building Lego masterpieces when you were younger? I’m going to be honest: I know I did some, but I don’t think I did anywhere near enough to explain why I love “The Lego Movie” as much as I do. I blame my deep affection for this movie, instead, on my bottomless love for …
Works of Wonder
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Works of Wonder, a new ongoing segment for Life Springs. Works of Wonder will feature reviews of movies, books, television, video games and anything else I deem interesting. The reviews will all be short so that you don’t take up too much of your time reading them, but will still give …