Thank You!
Thanks again for taking an interest in The Fish in Jonah's Puddle!
Now, as promised, here is the PDF of the first seven chapters of the book. There's actually two different versions of the PDF: one is 8.5"x11" and is best for printing or reading on the computer, while the other is 6"x9" and is best for mobile (smartphone, tablet or Kindle.)
Here are the links:
You'll get an email with these links as well, so don't worry about losing them.
I hope you enjoy the first seven chapters of the book! I'd also be thrilled to hear what you think of it, so feel free to drop me a line after you've read it. (You can reach me at If you happen to know someone else who you think might enjoy it, too, feel free to send it on to them. I'd love for as many people to get to read it as possible. =)
Once more, I just want to say thank you for subscribing! I can't wait to bring you all of the news about Jonah and company as it comes up. Have a great day, and I'll talk to you again soon!
Your Friend,